听取客户故障描述是整个诊断的开始,也是非常重要的环节,听取故障描述需要注意如下事项: 尽量弄清楚故障的准确的现象。因为很多客户难以准确描述故障的具体状况,尽量使用感觉方面的词语,避免使用过多大词汇尽量弄清楚出现故障时的具体条件,比方什么温度下、当时的时速多少、引擎的转速、有无异响、经常出现还是偶发故障等都是非常重要的 登记该车的维修历史,包括上一次维修保养的时间、项目、更换的配件等登记客户的其他要求,比方维修到什么标准、需要多长时间、其他相关的项目等
Listening to the customer's fault description is the beginning of the entire diagnosis and a very important step. When listening to the fault description, attention should be paid to the following: try to understand the accurate phenomenon of the fault as much as possible. Because many customers find it difficult to accurately describe the specific condition of the fault, try to use sensory terms and avoid using too many professional vocabulary. Try to clarify the specific conditions under which the fault occurred, such as temperature, speed, engine speed, whether there was any abnormal noise, whether it occurred frequently or sporadically. It is very important to register the repair history of the vehicle, including the time, items, and replacement parts of the previous maintenance. Register other requirements of the customer, such as the standard of repair, how long it takes, and other related items
Inspect oil products
检查油品对于准确诊断变速箱的故障非常有帮助,非常类似医院的化验血,变速箱油品从颜色上分为红色和黄色两种,其中后者是免维护变速箱使用的油品,正常的油品应该鲜红(或者明亮的黄色)、明亮、干净、无杂质、无刺激气味。 如果油品黑色污浊说明变速箱内部的摩擦材料已经烧损,需要解体彻底维修如果油品出现粉色粘稠乳状说明变速箱内部已经进水,初期可以通过更换油品2-3次的办法来,如果已经超过30天或者行驶300以上,则必须通过大修来这个问题,变速箱是封闭的箱体,能够进水的地方有两个,常规的是散热系统的水箱内部腐蚀造成油水混合,还有一个是通过透气孔进水,一般变速箱的透气孔设计的都比较高,所以除非车辆涉水否则一般不会出现此种情况 如果油品出现灰色伴有烟雾和刺激气味,说明变速箱内部已经严重高温,严重的时候行星齿轮等部件都可能已经烧毁,此种情况需要立即大修。
Checking the oil is very helpful for accurately diagnosing transmission faults, similar to the blood test in hospitals. Transmission oil is divided into two colors: red and yellow, with the latter being the oil used for maintenance free transmissions. Normal oil should be bright red (or bright yellow), bright, clean, free of impurities, and have no irritating odor. If the oil is black and dirty, it indicates that the friction material inside the gearbox has been burned and needs to be disassembled for thorough repair. If the oil appears as a pink viscous emulsion, it indicates that water has entered the gearbox. In the initial stage, this can be solved by replacing the oil 2-3 times. If it has been more than 30 days or driven for more than 300 kilometers, it must be solved through major repairs. The gearbox is a closed box, and there are two places where water can enter. The most common is the corrosion inside the radiator of the cooling system, causing oil-water mixture. Another place is through the ventilation hole. Generally, the ventilation hole design of the gearbox is relatively high, so unless the vehicle is submerged in water, this situation usually does not occur. If the oil appears gray with smoke and irritating odor, it indicates that the gearbox is severely hot inside, In severe cases, components such as planetary gears may have been burned out, and this situation requires immediate major repairs.
Check the chassis and other related connectors
Although electronic diagnostic instruments are very advanced, they also have their limitations. The performance of mechanical components such as the chassis also has a significant impact on the transmission. Checking the chassis includes many aspects such as chassis noise, shock absorber rubber parts, connecting screws, chassis oil leakage, and the performance of the cooling system. This part of the work needs to be done carefully and thoroughly.
Diagnosis - Road Test
故障,尽可能需要的其他相关伴随的 路试是进一步确定顾客所投诉的故障现象必不可少的程序,路试的技师需要非常的训练路试需要路试的内容包括引擎的动力、引擎运转平稳行、变速箱的入档感受、动力输出、换档的时机的早晚、换档的平顺性、变钮器锁止的结合程度、变速箱的异响、底盘的 性能等方面路试需要刻意模拟客户所投诉的从现故障,并详细了解出现故障条件。
Malfunctions and other related accompanying road tests are essential procedures for further determining the symptoms of customer complaints. Road test technicians require very professional training. The content of road tests includes engine power, smooth engine operation, gearbox shifting sensation, power output, timing of gear shifts, smoothness of gear shifts, degree of engagement of knob locks, abnormal gearbox noise, chassis performance, etc. Road tests need to deliberately simulate the current faults complained by customers and have a detailed understanding of the conditions under which the faults occurred.
Electronic scanning reads fault records
现在的自动变速箱广泛的采用智能化设计,电子控制程度很高,不仅可以根据驾驶者的需求和车辆的情况进行控制,并且具有非常强的自诊断功能,借助专用的电子诊断仪器就可以得到随车的实际运行数据。 的维修技师通过对以上数据的分析和判断就可以快速的确定问题所在,不仅提高了效率,而且准确率也高了很多。
Nowadays, automatic transmissions widely adopt intelligent design and have a high degree of electronic control. They can not only be controlled according to the driver's needs and the vehicle's situation, but also have strong self diagnostic functions. With the help of specialized electronic diagnostic instruments, actual operating data of the vehicle can be obtained. Professional maintenance technicians can quickly identify the problem by analyzing and judging the above data, which not only improves efficiency but also significantly increases accuracy.
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