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发布日期: 2021-04-15 来源: http://www.jnbsx.com/ 点击: 0


With the arrival of hot summer and frequent transmission problems, many car owners are asking what causes the transmission failure. Compared with manual transmission, automatic transmission maintenance is a kind of transmission device which can shift automatically according to vehicle speed and engine speed. At present, there are four common types of automobile automatic transmission, which are hydraulic automatic transmission (at), mechanical continuously variable transmission (CVT), electronically controlled mechanical automatic transmission (AMT) and dual clutch automatic transmission.
Transmission maintenance start, idle parking, low or high speed driving, acceleration, deceleration, climbing and reversing, etc., which requires that the driving force and speed of the car can change in a considerable range, while the output torque and speed of the piston engine which is widely used at present has a small range. In order to adapt to the constantly changing driving conditions and make the engine work under favorable conditions (high power and low fuel consumption), a transmission is set in the transmission system. According to the automatic transmission repair Association, 90% of automatic transmission damage is caused by overheating. So where do these high temperatures come from?
1、 The gearbox works
The principle of automatic transmission is that the transmission power of oil and liquid is driven by liquid resistance. Once the clutch starts to turn, friction occurs. Friction usually occurs at the loading gear, bearing, etc. Therefore, the automatic transmission will produce a lot of heat due to the friction of internal components during operation. In addition, high temperature is not conducive to heat dissipation in summer. Therefore, summer is also a communication problem.
二、冷 却器问题
2、 Cooler problem
根据实验结果,高达150摄氏度的ATF温度仍然在115摄氏度和132摄氏度之间,也就是说,在散热过程中,温度仅小于20摄氏度,这也直观地反映了传统的原始油冷 却设备没有明显的效果,这对延长自动变速器的寿命没有明显的影响。
According to the experimental results, the ATF temperature as high as 150 ℃ is still between 115 ℃ and 132 ℃, that is to say, in the process of heat dissipation, the temperature is only less than 20 ℃, which directly reflects that the traditional original oil cooling equipment has no obvious effect, which has no obvious effect on extending the life of the automatic transmission.
3、 Driving behavior triggers
Under normal driving conditions, the automatic transmission fluid (ATF) temperature will automatically increase by 80 ℃ after the engine is started. This temperature is the normal operating temperature of general ATF. But if the temperature increases, its life will decrease.
有些人可能认为我们可以正常工作,但即使我们正常驾驶,许多客观因素可能会使ATF温度超出安 全温度范围,如牵引、爬升、高温环境、持续高速驾驶、在市区停车和行走等。
Some people may think that we can work normally, but even if we drive normally, many objective factors may cause the ATF temperature to exceed the safe temperature range, such as traction, climbing, high temperature environment, continuous high-speed driving, parking and walking in urban areas, etc.
Once that happens, problems will follow. High temperature will destroy the quality and friction characteristics of the ATF, aggravate the wear of internal parts, make the ATF turn brown and give off the smell of scorch, and the transmission noise will follow. At the same time, there will be oil / impurities inside the transmission. If the temperature exceeds 120 ℃, the sealing element will begin to harden,
It can cause leaks. If the temperature rises, the transmission will slip, and the slipping will lead to a sharp rise in temperature. Some models will alarm and enter the transmission protection mode. The clutch will burn out and the whole transmission will stop running.

关键词: 自动变速器故障检测一般程序 自动变速箱常见几种状况有哪些? 汽车变速箱进水后怎么维修? 汽车变速箱基础知识的特点讲解 自动变速箱维修保养要注意什么?

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